Venue sponsorships

The Colony is a historic venue. Founded in 1958 as The Colony Inn.  Music has been played here for decades with names like JJ Cale, Eric Clapton, Leon Russell and so many more that influenced the Tulsa Sound movement. With that being said, The Colony is a historical venue that does require upkeep and needs some improvements. A Venue Sponsorship would help us with the changes that we want to make over the next coming years. Some of these repairs include: extra storage for supplies (cabinets, shelving), replacement of bar equipment that is not leased, resurfacing floors, curb appeal, etc.


While we love the story behind our building and what The Colony has brought to Tulsa, we are separating from and rebranding the Union Jack logo/sign. We are a loving, inclusive community and are aware of and do not align with the extremely problematic history that the Union Jack represents. Pictured is a mock up of what we envision for the sign. The repairs needed for the sign include: repainting of the background to cover the union jack, new wiring for the neon signs, and general maintenance of the beam.

bee hive memberships

Becoming a member of The Colony is one of our favorite ways to show our musicians and local businesses we love them. With this level of sponsorship, you get to support the venue and the musicians that play here. 

Beehive membership includes:

  • Booth Reservation for ten shows

  • Free Cover for Ten Shows with punchcard

  • 1 Round of free Drinks (for person buying and their party)

  • Colony Merch

Membership Cost - $500

Membership starts in June

happy hour sponsorship

Happy Hour sessions at The Colony are intimate and full of local powerhouse musicians that make it feel like home. Happy Hour music ranges from folk to hip hop and everything in between. The Colony has happy hour gigs Sunday-Saturday from 6-8 in the evening. All are local musicians that have amazing talent and deserve a decent wage pursuing their musical careers and giving back to the community by sharing their gift.

Happy Hour Sponsorships Include:
–Free cover to the your sponsored musician’s show
–Pay for the musical act or night of your choice.
–Advertisement on social media
–Advertisement on The Colony website with cross links to your business
–Advertisement at The Colony’s monthly events
–1 Booth reservation a month for a show of your choice (up to 6 people)
–Free round of drinks with booth reservation (up to 6 people)

Average Investment: $1,500

Late Night Sponsorship

Much like Happy Hour gigs, our late night shows are packed with local talent. Late night slots are from 9-11 in the evening Sunday- Saturday, with rotating headliner bands on Friday and Saturday evenings. The late night shows from Sunday-Thursday are residency headliners, some of which have been playing here for years. We want to ensure that these musicians can make the money they deserve and to  make their residency slot worth the time and effort they put in to provide us.

Late Night Sponsorship includes:
–Free cover to the your sponsored musician’s show
–Cover for the musical act or night of your choice
–Advertisement on social media
–Advertisement on The Colony website with cross links to your business
–Advertisement at The Colony’s monthly events
–2 Booth reservations at the show of your choice (up to 6 people)
– Free round of drinks with booth reservation (up to 6 people)

Average investment $2500

Food Sponsorships

While we are a lively venue and bar, we do not have a kitchen. An in-kind sponsorship of donated food for any of our shows would be a wonderful addition to keeping the seats full for our musicians. Our current sponsorships from food vendors include NOMAD Barbecue on Thursdays. and Holy Ghost Barbecue on Wednesdays. We would love to be able to provide food on Friday and Saturday night whether it be catering or a food truck.


If you have ever been in the service industry, you know that insurance benefits are few and far between when service and bartending are a person’s main form of income. At The Colony, we have started a bartender community fund so our bartenders can have partial assistance with healthcare costs. Donate to the fund and help our staff get the care they need, whether that be an appointment when they are sick, prescription costs or medical bills.

sponsor us -

sponsor us -

If you are interested in any of the sponsorship opportunities listed above then HOLLER AT US. Shoot us an email below and let us know which level of sponsorship you’re interested in. Thank you all so much for making The Colony what it is today and for helping us preserve the wonderful community of local music in Tulsa and everyone in it.

Want to make a donation without sponsoring? HERE YA GO!
